MantisBT - ParaView
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0014560ParaView(No Category)public2014-02-07 14:122016-08-12 09:59
Utkarsh Ayachit 
Ben Boeckel (Kitware) 
normalminorhave not tried
incorrect functionality
0014560: Add support for log-scaling for scalar opacity function.
ParaView support using log-scale for color mapping, but not for scalar mapping. We need to add support for that.

For that, we will need to add support for log-scaling to vtkPiecewiseFunction, then to vtkDiscretizableColorTransferFunction (for opacity, it already support for coloring). (Make sure to add VTK-side tests for this to ensure good coverage).

Finally, the opacity transfer function editor cannot really support editing using the UI (since the curves will no longer be linear in log-space). So we will simply put a text-box in it saying use the "advanced" editor to manually specify control points.
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Issue History
2014-02-07 14:12Utkarsh AyachitNew Issue
2014-02-07 14:12Utkarsh AyachitAssigned To => Ben Boeckel (Kitware)
2016-08-12 09:59Kitware RobotNote Added: 0038507
2016-08-12 09:59Kitware RobotStatusbacklog => closed
2016-08-12 09:59Kitware RobotResolutionopen => moved

Kitware Robot   
2016-08-12 09:59   
Resolving issue as `moved`.

This issue tracker is no longer used. Further discussion of this issue may take place in the current ParaView Issues page linked in the banner at the top of this page.