MantisBT - ParaView
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0002629ParaView(No Category)public2005-12-15 19:302009-12-09 14:51
Brian Wylie 
Amy Squillacote 
0002629: SNL: Reset range for volume rendering
When you change timesteps for a dataset that you are volume rendering the range never changes, but when you edit the 'volume appearance' it's really hard to figure out how to 'reset range'. So perhaps just keep the 'Reset Range' and just do the 'right thing' when it's hit for volume rendering. :)
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Issue History
2009-12-09 14:51Berk GeveciProject@3@ => ParaView
2011-06-16 13:09Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)

Amy Squillacote   
2006-10-18 08:58   
I've added an implementation of Reset Range for volume rendering. Please try it out and let me know what you think.

new revision: 1.73; previous revision: 1.72
/cvsroot/ParaView/ParaView/GUI/Client/vtkPVDisplayGUI.h,v <-- vtkPVDisplayGUI.h
new revision: 1.34; previous revision: 1.33
Amy Squillacote   
2006-10-18 09:00   
I missed the first line from cvs commit:

/cvsroot/ParaView/ParaView/GUI/Client/vtkPVDisplayGUI.cxx,v <-- vtkPVDisplayGUI.cxx
Ken Moreland   
2006-10-18 11:29   
Looks right to me.