MantisBT - ParaView
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0003673ParaView(No Category)public2006-08-30 11:022006-11-22 17:32
Clinton Stimpson 
Timothy Shead 
0003673: file dialog not navigating properly
On Linux, I go to open a file, and the file dialog comes up.
I double-click "Home" in the favorites.
Then I manually type a folder name in and hit enter to go in that folder, but it won't.
If I go deselect "Home" with ctrl-leftmouse, then go back to the folder name and hit enter, it works.
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Issue History
2011-06-16 13:10Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)

Berk Geveci   
2006-09-01 13:16   
Also, when I hit home and type a file name to save, nothing happens.