MantisBT - ParaView
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0004666ParaView(No Category)public2007-03-23 15:162009-05-13 13:59
Ken Moreland 
Utkarsh Ayachit 
0004666: Make light kit default
The light kit set of lights should be on by default and the "default light" should be off by default.

And since the naming sounds weird, on the pq3DViewPropertiesWidget, the "Default Light" label should be changed to "Headlight" and the "Light Kit Parameters" label should be changed to simply be "Light Kit".
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Issue History
2008-04-08 16:22Berk GeveciAssigned ToBerk Geveci => Ken Moreland
2008-04-08 16:22Berk GeveciAssigned ToKen Moreland => Utkarsh Ayachit
2008-04-08 16:23Berk GeveciCategory => 3.4
2008-05-13 14:51Utkarsh AyachitStatustabled => @80@
2008-05-13 14:51Utkarsh AyachitResolutionopen => fixed
2008-05-13 14:51Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0011872
2008-05-14 19:35Alan ScottStatus@80@ => @20@
2008-05-14 19:35Alan ScottResolutionfixed => reopened
2008-05-14 19:35Alan ScottNote Added: 0011936
2008-05-19 09:41Utkarsh AyachitStatus@20@ => @80@
2008-05-19 09:41Utkarsh AyachitResolutionreopened => fixed
2008-05-19 09:41Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0011990
2008-05-21 22:28Alan ScottStatus@80@ => @20@
2008-05-21 22:28Alan ScottResolutionfixed => reopened
2008-05-21 22:28Alan ScottNote Added: 0012057
2008-06-27 09:58Utkarsh AyachitStatus@20@ => @80@
2008-06-27 09:58Utkarsh AyachitResolutionreopened => fixed
2008-06-27 09:58Utkarsh AyachitNote Added: 0012556
2008-06-30 19:57Alan ScottStatus@80@ => closed
2008-06-30 19:57Alan ScottNote Added: 0012590
2009-05-13 13:58Utkarsh AyachitTarget Version => 3.4
2009-05-13 13:59Utkarsh AyachitFixed in Version => 3.4
2011-06-16 13:10Zack GalbreathCategory => (No Category)

Utkarsh Ayachit   
2008-05-13 14:51   
Make light kit default. Changed widget labels. Fixed tests to disable light kit and added a test with light kit enabled.

commitid: nviKJZ6f0bhjRP2t
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqRenderView.cxx,v <-- Qt/Core/pqRenderView.cxx
new revision: 1.35; previous revision: 1.34
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml,v <-- Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml
new revision: 1.287; previous revision: 1.286
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/Cxx/
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/XML/XdmfReadImageData.xml,v <-- Applications/Client/Testing/XML/XdmfReadImageData.xml
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
Alan Scott   
2008-05-14 19:35   
Using this morning's trunk, when I go Edit/ View Settings/ Lights, and hit the Reset button, it defaults to "Default Light". Shouldn't this reset to Light Kit, as stated below? Also, it still shows "Light Kit Parameters"
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2008-05-19 09:41   
Reset button resets lights correcly
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqRenderView.cxx,v <-- Qt/Core/pqRenderView.cxx
new revision: 1.36; previous revision: 1.35
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqRenderView.h,v <-- Qt/Core/pqRenderView.h
new revision: 1.19; previous revision: 1.18
Alan Scott   
2008-05-21 22:28   
Shouldn't the reset light button actually reset the numbers to a default? I change the Key/ Warm entry box from 0.60 to 0.70, hit reset light, and nothing happens. Client/Server.
Utkarsh Ayachit   
2008-06-27 09:58   
Reset Light resets light parameters. It was resetting only the changed property values.

/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqRenderViewOptions.cxx,v <-- Qt/Components/pqRenderViewOptions.cxx
new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5
Alan Scott   
2008-06-30 19:57   
Tested client/server.