Plot Types

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Plot Types

ParaView 3 should support the following types of queries:

  • Plot of a point variable over time for a selected point
    • The point may be specified by either picking or by entering an ID
  • Plot of a cell variable over time for a selected cell
    • The cell may be specified by either picking or by entering an ID
  • Plot of a variable (cell or point) residing at a specific 3D location over time.
  • Plot of a line probe versus position along the line
    • Sampled and interpolated when probing point variables
    • Actual values when probing cell variables
  • Plot of a line probe variable versus variable using above guidelines
    I don't understand what this means. What is a probe variable and how does it differ from the position along the line?
    --Ken 10:20, 12 Feb 2007 (EST)
    This means you probe say pressure and temperature and plot pressure versus temperature for all points along the line, instead of pressure versus position along the line and temperature versus position along the line
    NasaDave 14:51, 12 Feb 2007 (EST)
    The result of this type of probe ceases to be a function, so I'm not sure our current X-Y plot is appropriate. This sounds more like a scatter plot. I bet scatter plots can be used in lots of different ways, but I don't think we can realistically create a scatter plot chart in time for the PV 3 release.
    --Ken 18:02, 12 Feb 2007 (EST)
  • Plot of the points/cells in the current selection over time
  • As part of the V&V milestone we need to be able to plot a series of values from a text file in the same plot as a 3D point over time plot.