ParaView 3 Telecon 03-05-2009

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Revision as of 14:29, 5 March 2009 by Kmorel (talk | contribs)
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Item People Description
1 Ice MARS/V&V Milestone issues
2 Moreland Vis/Supercomputing Tutorials
3 Moreland Sandia-Kitware Summit
4 Moreland ParaView 3.6 Deliverables


Lisa took her own notes.

Kitware Summit

Sandia-Kitware Summit, 2009


Current plan for vis tutorial: Morning talks about customizing ParaView: scripting and plugins. Afternoon talks about selected advanced topics. Jim Ahrens already volunteered from last year. Anyone else? Anyone outside we should ask about?

  • A what's new section.
    • Charts
  • Ahrens whatever.
  • In-situ - Dave T., Nathan F.
  • Statistics - Phillipe P.
  • Send call out to

I will again organize a ParaView tutorial for supercomputing. It will be very much like last years. Who volunteers for helping out (i.e. being helpers for attendees)?


ParaView/Titan Chart Merger (Pat/Utkarsh)

There are some minor issue to fix up. They will be the default soon.

Simplified Scripting (Berk/Utkarsh)

Nothing to report.

Biggest chunk of work to be saving state to Python script.

Plots Along Curves (Berk)

Not started

VisIt AVT Integration (Burlen)

Windows port is running. Just a couple of issues left there.

Statistics (Phillipe)

Mainly GUI issue as far as combining filters and selecting attributes for doing statistics on data sets.