
ParaView Self-directed Tutorial
This introductory and comprehensive tutorial teaches ParaView through examples that cover basic usage and advanced topics. 

ParaView Classroom Tutorials
These tutorial sets were created as instructor-led courses at Sandia National Laboratories for beginners and advanced users.

ParaView Classroom Tutorials Video
A companion to the ParaView Classroom Tutorials by Sandia National Labs and Los Alamos National Laboratory, this video is a live version of the tutorials listed above. 

Additional Tutorials

Mike Bailey, from Oregon State University’s computer science department, has developed a ParaView Page with exercises for new ParaView users.

Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum has a tutorial on best practices using ParaView to visualize weather and climate data.

Professional Training

Kitware offers professional ParaView training courses for individuals and groups. You can request a custom training quote or register for an upcoming scheduled course.


Adapt ParaView to your day-to-day workflow

Presented on: June 26, 2024
Presenter: Nicolas Vuaille & Louis Gombert

You probably already know ParaView for its analysis and visualization capabilities. But do you know its quality-of-life features? During this webinar, we will see how to improve your day-to-day experience with ParaView. Based on a simple CFD data analysis, we will discover how to speed up the pipeline creation, reuse this pipeline for new input data and generate consistent output.

Advanced rendering of scientific data using ray-tracing in ParaView

Presented on: February 29, 2024
Presenter: Thomas Galland & Lucas Givord

This webinar will be focused on using ray tracing rendering capabilities of ParaView in order to obtain stunning visuals of your scientific datasets. Come and discover the integration of Intel OSPray and the new material editor that will be available in the 5.12 release of ParaView. During this up to 30 minutes session, you will be able to follow our explanations and hands-on demonstrations. You will also be able to interact with the presenter via the chat to ask questions or precisions.

Immersive ParaView: AR/VR/XR Exploration with ParaView

Presented on: January 16, 2024
Instructors: Mathieu Westphal & Thomas Galland

This webinar will happen in early January and be focused on AR (Augmented Reality) , VR (Virtual Reality) and XR (eXtended Reality) tools within ParaView in order to perform immersive data exploration.

Basic ElectroMagnetics Post-processing with ParaView

Presented on: September 23, 2023
Instructors: Julien Fausty & Mathieu Westphal

In this 30 minute webinar, you will learn the first steps to explore and visualize data from electro-magnetics simulations that can be performed in COMSOL, Elmer FEM, FEniCS or MEEP to name only a few. Explore and reduce your data, visualize electric and magnetic vector fields in different representations, compute new variables, plot and compare data and learn many tricks to enhance your productivity with ParaView!
Data generated by Lukas Henkel on Elmer FEM in the context of the design of an open source laptop.

Basic CFD Post-processing with ParaView

Presented on: March 15, 2023
Instructors: François Mazen & Mathieu Westphal
In this webinar, you will learn the first steps to explore and visualize data from computational fluid dynamics simulations (CFD) like OpenFOAM, StarCCM+, Code Saturne or Fluent. Explore and reduce your data, visualize scalar fields and vector fields, compute new variables, plot and compare data and learn many tricks to enhance your productivity with ParaView!

Spitfire Data Provided by IT4Innovation (blender.it4i.cz/)

Leverage the Power of your GPU

Presented on: November 9, 2022
Instructors: Timothée Chabat & François Mazen
Scientific visualization relies on a number of post processes and visualization techniques in order to make a meaningful interpretation of the data, such as glyphs or iso-surfaces. While most of the time these processes happen on the CPU it is actually possible to use the GPU directly to explore your data. Come and discover how to use these capabilities in ParaView through this Kitware’s webinar!

Animate Your Scientific Data Analysis with ParaView

Presented on: June 29, 2022
Instructors: Nicolas Vuaille & Mathieu Westphal
This webinar will teach you how to use ParaView’s Animation module to create videos communicating your scientific results.

ParaView First Steps

Presented on: May 3, 2022
Instructors: Charles Gueunet & Mathieu Westphal
This webinar focuses on the first steps of using ParaView, specifically opening a file, adding a simple filter, and saving the results.

How to SLAM with LidarView

Presented on: April 9, 2021
Instructors: Nicolas Cadart and Bastien Jacquet
This webinar focuses on how to run Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using only LiDAR data with LidarView.

Feature-based Clustering with TTK in ParaView

Presented on: March 9, 2021
Instructor: Charles Gueunet
Using the Topology ToolKit plugin in ParaView, we demonstrate how to classify images using clustering methods relying on a persistent homology-based descriptor for topological data analysis in this webinar.

Kitware ParaView Streamlines Webinar

Presented on: November 24, 2020
Instructor: Mathieu Westphal
This webinar focuses on creating streamlined visualizations in ParaView using steady and unsteady simulation results.

Usage of Python in ParaView

Presented on: September 23, 2020
Instructor: Mathieu Westphal
An introductory webinar for Python usage in ParaView.

ParaView 5.8 Webinar: Rendering Techniques

Presented on: March 10, 2020
Instructor: Michael Migliore
This webinar focuses on the new rendering techniques in ParaView, specifically physically based rendering, raytracing, and advanced GPU-based rendering techniques.

Large Scale Visualization with ParaView

Presented on: September 25, 2017
Instructor: Dan Lipsa
Presented at the Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing 2017.

ParaView Catalyst: Leverage In situ Analysis with VTK and ParaView

Presented on: September 26, 2013
Instructor: Andy Bauer
This webinar highlights the benefits of ParaView Catalyst and how to leverage them for your own simulations.

Professional ParaView Training

Still need help? Kitware offers professional ParaView training courses for individuals and groups. You can request a custom training quote or register for an upcoming scheduled course.