cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) FIND_PACKAGE(ParaView REQUIRED) INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE}) ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(CubeReaderSMPlugin "1.0" SERVER_MANAGER_XML readers.xml SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES vtkCubeReader.cxx ) ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(CubeReaderGUIPlugin "1.0" GUI_RESOURCES pqReader.qrc) IF (APPLE) SET(USE_RPATH ON) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(CubeReaderSMPlugin PROPERTIES INSTALL_NAME_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/plugins" BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH TRUE ) SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(CubeReaderGUIPlugin PROPERTIES INSTALL_NAME_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/plugins" BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH TRUE ) ENDIF (APPLE) # create a plugin that adds a reader to the ParaView GUI # it is added in the file dialog when doing opens/saves. # The qrc file is processed by Qt's resource compiler (rcc) # the qrc file must have a resource prefix of "/ParaViewResources" # and ParaView will read anything contained under that prefix # the pqReader.xml file contains xml defining readers with their # file extensions and descriptions. #ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(GUICubeReader "1.0" GUI_RESOURCES pqReader.qrc) # The Server Manager XML file defines the properties of the reader. # This example uses the already existing PNG reader but gives it # another identity in the Server Manager. # Adding your own reader to ParaView would mean the SourceProxy class # points to your class. #ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(SMCubeReader "1.0" SERVER_MANAGER_XML readers.xml)