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I know this is a very broad-based query but would like to get some pointers. I normally work with GMT (netCDF) files but these at present (at least in GMT) can only store one variable, e.g. lat, long, elevation or x,y,gravity etc. The latest netCDF convention does support multi-scalar properties, and mult-levels via the COARDS convention, this however is not an export option in the latest GMT (4.3.1).<BR>
My question is really one of how can I import data into Paraview to generate a volume of data, as opposed to just a series of layers? As I see it, I need to get the data into a format like XYZ (for position in the volume) and then one or more variables to describe the scalar function at the given position.<BR>
Presently, I could export ascii XYZ data from GMT to generate say x,y,gravity at level 0, and then x,y,gravity at level 1 etc...but it does seem that Paraview expects the data in a more structured and defined format, with which to generate a volume.<BR>
There is a "roundabout" way to get netCDF files into Paraview via VisIt 1.9.0, and export as VTK, but this will only export things as simple layers (XYZ), and not build a volume from a series of layers.<BR>
I think it would be useful to at least have a in-depth tutorial guide explaining how to get tabulated ascii data into Paraview and the construction of data volumes from 2D information.<BR>
If there are alternative methods of getting data into Paraview then I'd be interested to know.<BR>
Lester<BR><br /><hr />Get fish-slapping on Messenger! <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/UKM/go/101719805/direct/01/' target='_new'>Play Now</a></body>