I have written two C subroutines for writing EnSight Gold ASCII and<BR>
EnSight Gold Binary files for a simple 2D unstructured grid. I have<BR>
followed the procedure given in EnSight8.2 User manual for writing the<BR>
The EnSight ASCII files works fine on both EnSight8.2 and<BR>
ParaView3.2.1. However the EnSight Gold binary files works fine only<BR>
on EnSight8.2 but fails to open on ParaView3.2.1. I have checked my<BR>
EnSight Gold binary file through the "ens_checker" program that comes<BR>
with EnSight for verifying the integrity of the EnSight Gold files.<BR>
The ens_checker shows that the files are written correctly and should<BR>
not have any problem.<BR>
Can some one please verify my EnSight files and the subroutines.<BR>
I have attached a .zip file for EnSight files. The output of<BR>
ens_checker program and my C subroutine which writes the files with<BR>
this mail.<BR>
Any help in this matter will be very helpful.<BR>
Thanks in advance.<BR>
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