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<div>Hi ParaView user,</div>
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<div>Having stress tensor in VTK file, I would like to visualize them.</div>
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<div>Different solutions may exist:</div>
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<div>1). For instance, evaluate the principal components (vectors) from stress tensor and use the 'stream tracer' filter to visualize each principal component individually. However, in the 'Calculator' filter, I see neither 'extract principal component' function, nor the possibility to interact with tensor at all: only the access to scalars and vectors is allowed.</div>
<div>Could you confirm me this?</div>
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<div>2). Another actually much more interesting way would be to use the Hyperstreamline method available in the VTK library (<a href="http://www.vtk.org/doc/release/5.2/html/a00565.html">http://www.vtk.org/doc/release/5.2/html/a00565.html</a>). Nonetheless, I don't see the equivalent filter in ParaView.</div>
<div>Is there a way to 'activate' it simply in ParaView?</div>
<div>Or should an external filter be developped (based on the existing VTK class)?</div>
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<div>I thank youfor your help!</div>
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