<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Thanks a lot Utkarsh,<br><br>I'm already testing and learning about the Information Properties, and I realized this is exactly what I need, concerning the Client/Server Communication.<br><br>Let me try to explain what I asked about the visualization pipeline: <br>Suppose I have an unstructured grid.Then, my filter associate an integer number, from 0 to 6, to each cell, according to an algorithm. My filter also implements a custom object panel. Then I clip my model, through the Clip Filter. Is it possible to get the output of the Clip (that is, the nodes that weren't cutted off )from my custom filter code (which stays before the Clip filter in the pipeline) ?<br><br>Regards,<br>Rafael March.<br><br>--- On <b>Tue, 12/16/08, Utkarsh Ayachit <i><utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com></i></b> wrote:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255);
margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;">From: Utkarsh Ayachit <utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com><br>Subject: Re: [Paraview] Object Panel <-> Model Communication<br>To: rafaelmarch3@yahoo.com<br>Cc: paraview@paraview.org<br>Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 2:17 PM<br><br><pre>To get back "values" from the server, you can use either<br>"information<br>properties" or "information objects".<br><br>Information properties are properites with information_only="1" set<br>in<br>the XML (eg. in Servers/ServerManager/Resources/rendering.xml the<br>"Camera" proxy has "CameraPositionInfo" as an information<br>property).<br>Such properties need an "InformationHelper" which knows how to obtain<br>the values from the server. For simple Get*() methods, you can use the<br><SimpleDoubleInformationHelper/> or <SimpleIntInformationHelper /><br>etc. based on the type of the property. Complex information helpers<br>can be written as well. Look at
TimeStepsInformationHelper<br>(vtkSMTimeStepsInformationHelper.h|cxx) as an example.<br><br>Information objects are used to get data from server which cannot be<br>simply put in a property for example information about the data object<br>produced by a filter (vtkPVDataInformation). These are<br>vtkPVInformation subclasses. You can create you own vtkPVInformation<br>subclass that knows how to collect information and then<br>serialize/deserialize it for transfer to the client from the server<br>(if needed). To gather such information, one uses<br>vtkProcessModule::GatherInformation(vtkIdType connectionID,<br>vtkTypeUInt32 serverFlags, vtkPVInformation* info, vtkClientServerID<br>id) where "id" is vtkSMProxy::GetID() returned for the proxy from<br>which you want to collect the information.<br><br>In your case, information property may be an easier solution -- if I<br>understand your problem correctly.<br><br>There is a pqServerManagerModel instance
accessible as<br>pqApplicationCore::instance()->getServerManagerModel() that can be<br>used to access sources/filters their representations, views etc. Take<br>a look at Qt/Core/pqServerManagerModel.h for the API. That should help<br>you access the visualization pipeline.<br><br>"How to get, for instance, the ids of the nodes which are displayed<br>after the application of a filter to the model ?"<br>Not sure I understand what you mean by that. Can you please elaborate?<br><br>Utkarsh<br><br>On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:38 AM, Rafael March <rafaelmarch3@yahoo.com><br>wrote:<br>> Hey all,<br>><br>> I'm programming a filter with a custom Object Panel,<br>> and I'm feeling a little bit lost about the ParaView architecture and<br>> code design.<br>><br>> My great problem is the comunication between the<br>> Object Panel and the Model. I know I can't have a pointer to my<br>> vtkUnstructuredGrid displayed, 'cause they are not
necessarily at the<br>> same machine or process. I also know that I'm able to send information<br>> to the model through properties, since I can get the vtkSMProxy in my<br>> panel. But what about the way back ? Is there a way to send information<br>> from the display view to the panel ? How can I display in a QTable, for<br>> instance, the nodes of my model which have some property equals to 1 ?<br>><br>> Another problem is the Visualization Pipeline: is there a way to<br>"walk" on<br>> it ?<br>> I mean, if I have a filter name, am I able to get the the filter no<br>> matter where it is in the Pipeline ?<br>><br>> Sorry for the mess with the questions. I hope I made it clear and someone<br>> can help me ! :)<br>><br>> Regards,<br>> Rafael March.<br>><br>> _______________________________________________<br>> ParaView mailing list<br>> ParaView@paraview.org<br>>