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Ok,<br>maybe this is the reason for the problem:<br>Building Paraview I just run "make" - and I do have to run "make install" too,don´t I? Is it "make install" on linux? (Under Windos I run "mingw32-make" and<br>"mingw32-make install")<br><br>Well, running "make install" I get the following error:<br><br>[100%] Built target PrismClientPlugin<br>Install the project...<br>-- Install configuration: "Release"<br>-- Up-to-date: /usr/local/unpackaged/paraview-happenhofer-3.4.0/include/paraview-3.4/vtksys/stl/algorithm<br>CMake Error at VTK/Utilities/kwsys/cmake_install.cmake:36 (FILE):<br> file Problem setting permissions on file<br> "/usr/local/unpackaged/paraview-happenhofer-3.4.0/include/paraview-3.4/vtksys/stl/algorithm"<br>Call Stack (most recent call first):<br> VTK/Utilities/cmake_install.cmake:37 (INCLUDE)<br> VTK/cmake_install.cmake:38 (INCLUDE)<br> cmake_install.cmake:37 (INCLUDE)<br><br>make: *** [install] Error 1<br><br><br>How can I set the permissions correctly? Or does the root-user have to do that?<br><br>Thx a lot,<br>Natalie <br><br /><hr />¡Descúbrelo! <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/latam/windows/windowslive/' target='_new'>¿Qué puedes hacer con el nuevo Windows Live?</a></body>