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I´m sorry, I didn´t really understand.<br>You made a subdirectory named Plugins in the -in my case - Paraview/build/bin directory, you put libMyPlugin.so there and then the Plugin loaded without using the plugin manager?<br><br>greetings,<br>Natalie<br><br>> Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:53:25 +0100<br>> From: jerome.velut@gmail.com<br>> To: nataliehapp@hotmail.com<br>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] building code as part of paraview<br>> CC: paraview@paraview.org<br>> <br>> Hi,<br>> <br>> I found - I was lucky ! - something interesting for loading a plugin<br>> without environment variables and ParaView build.<br>> <br>> I made a sub-directory named Plugins in the folder that contains the<br>> paraview executable. I put in this subdir the dynamic lib involved in<br>> the plugin. My surprise was that my plugin loads twice - because I set<br>> the PV_PLUGIN_PATH env. variable - !<br>> <br>> 'Hope that helps.<br>> <br>> Jerome<br>> <br>> 2009/1/20 Natalie Happenhofer <nataliehapp@hotmail.com>:<br>> > Hi!<br>> > I´d like to add a new writer to Paraview. I´ve already tried it as a plugin,<br>> > and this works fine, but I would prefer not loading the plugin everytime I<br>> > need it.<br>> > I followed the instructions on the wiki called "Build code as part from<br>> > paraview". Technically, everything is found, but building paraview I get<br>> > many errors of the kind "undefined reference".<br>> > The problem is, that I also build shared libraries to get my Writer to work,<br>> > and it seems they are built too late for the code to be linked. But where<br>> > should I put the libraries to be build?<br>> ><br>> > thx,<br>> > Natalie<br>> ><br>> > ________________________________<br>> > ¡Y compártelas en Windows Live Fotos! Estas fiestas diviértete tomando<br>> > fotos.<br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > ParaView mailing list<br>> > ParaView@paraview.org<br>> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview<br>> ><br>> ><br><br /><hr />¡Y compártelas en Windows Live Fotos! <a href='http://photos.live.com/ ' target='_new'>Estas fiestas diviértete tomando fotos.</a></body>