<TITLE>Re: [Paraview] Paraview on a tiled display</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>When you say the --use-offscreen-rendering flag does not work, can you be more specific? Do you get the same response (some tiles shown, others not)? Do you see no windows whatsoever? Do you see a bunch of blank windows?<BR>
On 2/4/09 7:58 AM, "Camilo Marin" <<a href="igetmyjunkmailhere@gmail.com">igetmyjunkmailhere@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hi,<BR>
Well, we have tried with the off-screen option but it didn't work for us. Strangely we checked the mpi output with the -display-map flag and everything looks fine, the processes all look to be delivered where they are supposed. Here is the output of that command:<BR>
[guaviare4:04434] Map for job: 1 Generated by mapping mode: bynode<BR>
Starting vpid: 0 Vpid range: 24 Num app_contexts: 1<BR>
Data for app_context: index 0 app: /bin/env<BR>
Num procs: 24<BR>
Argv[0]: /bin/env<BR>
Argv[1]: DISPLAY=:0<BR>
Argv[2]: /home/imagine/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty/ParaView3.3-cvs/platforms/linux64Gcc/bin/pvserver<BR>
Argv[3]: --server-port=1100<BR>
Argv[4]: -tdx=3<BR>
Argv[5]: -tdy=2<BR>
Env[0]: OMPI_MCA_btl=^openib,udapl<BR>
Env[1]: OMPI_MCA_btl_tcp_if_exclude=lo<BR>
Env[2]: OMPI_MCA_rmaps_base_display_map=1<BR>
Env[3]: OMPI_MCA_rds_hostfile_path=/home/imagine/ParaView/hosts<BR>
Env[4]: OMPI_MCA_orte_precondition_transports=36a88bfc28f6f49d-c7bdb2d501b38662<BR>
Env[5]: OMPI_MCA_rds=proxy<BR>
Env[6]: OMPI_MCA_ras=proxy<BR>
Env[7]: OMPI_MCA_rmaps=proxy<BR>
Env[8]: OMPI_MCA_pls=proxy<BR>
Env[9]: OMPI_MCA_rmgr=proxy<BR>
Working dir: /home/imagine (user: 0)<BR>
Num maps: 0<BR>
Num elements in nodes list: 6<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,0]<BR>
Proc Rank: 0 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,6]<BR>
Proc Rank: 6 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,12]<BR>
Proc Rank: 12 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,18]<BR>
Proc Rank: 18 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,1]<BR>
Proc Rank: 1 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,7]<BR>
Proc Rank: 7 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,13]<BR>
Proc Rank: 13 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,19]<BR>
Proc Rank: 19 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,2]<BR>
Proc Rank: 2 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,8]<BR>
Proc Rank: 8 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,14]<BR>
Proc Rank: 14 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,20]<BR>
Proc Rank: 20 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,3]<BR>
Proc Rank: 3 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,9]<BR>
Proc Rank: 9 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,15]<BR>
Proc Rank: 15 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,21]<BR>
Proc Rank: 21 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,4]<BR>
Proc Rank: 4 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,10]<BR>
Proc Rank: 10 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,16]<BR>
Proc Rank: 16 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,22]<BR>
Proc Rank: 22 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped node:<BR>
Cell: 0 Nodename: Launch id: -1 Username: NULL<BR>
Daemon name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: NULL<BR>
Oversubscribed: False Num elements in procs list: 4<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,5]<BR>
Proc Rank: 5 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,11]<BR>
Proc Rank: 11 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,17]<BR>
Proc Rank: 17 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Mapped proc:<BR>
Proc Name:<BR>
Data type: ORTE_PROCESS_NAME Data Value: [0,1,23]<BR>
Proc Rank: 23 Proc PID: 0 App_context index: 0<BR>
Listen on port: 1100<BR>
Waiting for client...<BR>
Any idea why it doesn't work on all the tiles?<BR>
Thanks in advance.<BR>
</SPAN></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>
</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Consolas, Courier New, Courier"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'><BR>
**** Kenneth Moreland<BR>
*** Sandia National Laboratories<BR>
*********** <BR>
*** *** *** email: <a href="kmorel@sandia.gov">kmorel@sandia.gov</a><BR>
** *** ** phone: (505) 844-8919<BR>
*** web: <a href="http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel">http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel</a><BR>
</SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>