Hi everyone.<br>I am wondering if anyone know how to integrate a ITK(GDCM) based DICOM reader to Paraview?<br>My basic idea is:<br>1. Read DICOM series data through ITK(GDCM)<br>2. Export the data to a vtkImageImport class<br>
3. Use the data in vtkImageImport as a source of Paraview<br>I have done the first two steps. But I am not sure how to do the third one. <br><br>I have read something about how to write a Paraview Reader in the Paraview book. It is said that all the readers must derive from vtkAlgorithm or one of its subclass. Fortunately, vtkImageImport is one of its subclass. So, I guess it would be a good idea to choose vtkImageImport as a superclass of my reader. Am I right?<br>
If I choose vtkImageImport as a superclass, to make my reader works properly, which methods should be implemented in my reader? <br><br>The last question is: How do I read the path to DICOM files from Paraview Client GUI and pass it to my reader? For example, the DICOM data is stored in /usr/DATA/ directory, how can I pass this value to my reader?<br>
<br>Thanks very much for your help!<br><br>Aaron<br>