Hi Utkarsh.<br>I read your post at <a href="http://markmail.org/message/iswwagv2ejsybjhy#query:paraview%20dicom+page:2+mid:6ex4hkecehwma6t2+state:results">http://markmail.org/message/iswwagv2ejsybjhy#query:paraview%20dicom+page:2+mid:6ex4hkecehwma6t2+state:results</a><br>
I am currently trying to integrate a DICOM reader to Paraview. The first problem I met is how to pass a directory name to a paraview reader.<br>You mentioned that "I just committed a
feature to CVS where if the <UseDirectoryName /> hint is present on the
filename property, the directory name will be used instead of the file name" in your post. I am wondering if this feature is avaliable in the latest stable verison of Paraview (3.4.0).<br>I tried the XML code you provided in the latest stable version. It doesn't work for me. The vtkDICOMReader still only read one DICOM file. <br>
Here is my server side XML files:<br><ServerManagerConfiguration><br> <ProxyGroup name="sources"><br> <SourceProxy name="DICOMReader" <br> class="vtkDICOMImageReader"<br>
label="DICOM reader"><br> <Documentation<br> short_help="Read DICOM files."<br> long_help="Read DICOM files."><br> The DICOM reader reads DICOM files.<br>
</Documentation><br> <StringVectorProperty name="Directory" <br> command="SetDirectory" <br> number_of_elements="1"> <br>
<FileListDomain name="files"/> <br> <Hints> <br> <UseDirectoryName /> <br> </Hints> <br> </StringVectorProperty><br> <!-- End PNGReader --><br> </SourceProxy><br>
</ProxyGroup><br></ServerManagerConfiguration><br><br>Maybe I did thing in a wrong way? Thanks very much for your help!<br><br>Aaron<br>