Using the following c++ code:<br clear="all"><br>myBox=builder->createSource("sources", "CubeSource", s);<br>myBox->rename(QString("VWTBoundary"));<br>myBox->setModifiedState(pqProxy::UNMODIFIED);<br>
pqOutputPort* opPort = myBox->getOutputPort(0);<br>builder->createDataRepresentation(opPort,myActiveView.current());<br><br>I've been able to create an unitary box named in my pipeline "VWTBoundary" .<br>
<br>Using the following code:<br><br> vtkSMProxyManager *pxm = vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager(); <br> cout << "RUNNING" << endl;<br> unsigned int nproxies=pxm->GetNumberOfProxies("sources");<br>
cout << "Nproxies: " << nproxies << endl;<br> for(unsigned int i =0; i < nproxies; i++) <br> { <br> vtkSMProxy *proxy = pxm->GetProxy("sources",i); <br>
cout << pxm->GetProxyName("sources",i) << endl;<br> }<br> cout << "FINNISHING"<< endl;<br><br>I'm suppously able to get the proxy names of the group "sources".<br>
<br>The question is as follows:<br><br>When I generate a single box, the code works flawlessly. When I have 2 proxies with the same name on the pipeline, the code doesn't seems to finish (I never get the last cout output).<br>
Any Ideas?<br><br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>... Juan Fernando Duque Lombana.<br>