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<TITLE>The flow process for paraview and interaction between QT and VTK parts</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Dear developers,<BR>
I am sorry to trouble you. I am currently involved in a project which needs to use paraview or even add some my own stuffs. As a beginner, i wish i could understand how the paraview works after starting up. How the QT part initialized and set up, especially the parts involved with VTK and QT. For example, if i create a sphere and do some subsequent filt operation, how does the QT part interact with the VTK parts? And how do they keep synchronized with each other? I do wish i can get the answer from you people since it is really hard to find the answer somewhere else.<BR>
Thanks very much and i really appreciate if any help provided.<BR>
Best Regards,<BR>