Dear All,<br><br>I am a new user of ParaView and have a very basic question on how to visualize the output of the 3D Delaunay triangulation. I am trying to plot a surface traced by a guiding center particle in a planetary magnetic field. I import particle positions (which belong to the surface) as an unstructured grid. Then use the Delauday 3D filter with a non-zero Aplpha parameter (to avoid triangulating distant points which do not belong to the surface) and display the output using solid color Surface representation. As a result I am getting almost what I need. The feature that I am trtying to get rid of is the following: besides shading the triangles with solid color, ParaView also plots all lines/edges from triangulations which clutter the plot. Is there a way to supress the lines or should I be using a different approach for plotting this surface?<br>
<br>Thank you very much in advance,<br>-Sasha<br>