Hello, everyone!<br>I have written a reader plugin for my oew data format, and I just built it.Now I want to add the extension in the Files of type in the Open File dialog.<br>I have written my GUI xml and SERVER xml and my CMakeLIsts.txt file like below:<br>
<br>FIND_PACKAGE(ParaView REQUIRED)<br>INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE})<br><br>#define the server-side portion of the reader plugin<br>ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(SgnReaderPlugin "1.0"<br> SERVER_MANAGER_XML SgnReaderSM.xml<br>
SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES vtkSgnReader.cxx<br> GUI_RESOURCE_FILES SgnReaderGUI.xml)<br> <br>My GUI.xml like this:<br><br><ParaViewReaders><br> <Reader name="SgnReader"<br> extensions="sgn"<br>
file_description="My Sgn Files"><br> </Reader><br></ParaViewReaders><br><br>and My SERVER xml like this:<br><br> <ProxyGroup name="sources"><br> <SourceProxy name="SgnReader"<br>
class="vtkSgnReader"><br> <StringVectorProperty<br> name="FileName"<br> command="SetFileName"<br> number_of_elements="1"><br> <FileListDomain name="files"/><br>
</StringVectorProperty> <br> </SourceProxy><br> </ProxyGroup><br><br>But, after I load the plugin. It does NOT show the extension in the files of type. I just want to know what's wrong with my files?<br>
Thank you so much!<br><br>-Seven<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><a href="mailto:shenyanwen@gmail.com">shenyanwen@gmail.com</a><br>Mobile Phone:13476177952<br>Tel: 027-87558144<br>