Is there any brave guy (maybe a Sandia's folk) successfully working with the following exotic combination? <br><br>Exodus II, Windows and Fortran<br><br>(well, it _should not_ be exotic)<br><br>If so, how could you manage such "miracle" (without using Cygwin or a bunch of huge third party libraries/shells/compilers would be the desirable answer...)?<br>
<br>I've never used Exodus II format since it's quite hard to use in Windows machines... <br><br>Thanks for any discussion<br><br>Renato.<br><br>p.s. (1): I'm not a Windows defensor, but, portability, for me, is a key issue.<br>
<br>p.s. (2): I'm posting such question in the ParaView/VTK lists because I'm pretty sure there are ExodusII users here.<br><br>