I want to open some .ply files and save them as .vtp files in a python script.<br><br>For reading vtp's, I've used<br>reader = servermanager.sources.XMLPolyDataReader(FileName=ModelFilename)<br><br>I saw there was a vtkPly class, so I tried<br>
reader = servermanager.sources.PlyFile(FileName=ModelFilename)<br>and it says "no attribute PlyFile"<br><br>For writing a vtp, I thought it may be something like<br>rep.XMLPolyDataWriter(NewFilename)<br>or<br>
servermanager.sources.XMLPolyDataWriter(NewFilename)<br><br>but both give errors.<br><br>Anyone know how to do this?<br><br>Also, I'm curious why Paraview does not have the ability to import .obj files? That seems to be what many algorithms take as input and give as output, so I find myself using Blender to convert obj to ply, then Paraview to convert ply to vtp. Does anyone else think it would be nice to support .obj's?<br>
<br clear="all">Thanks,<br><br>David<br>