Just a simple (and probably silly) doubt:<br><br>When animating 2 datasets with different time scales simultaneously, is ParaView able to synchronize the frames? For example, let's suppose we load 2 datasets with the following timestep distributions:<br>
<br>DS1: 1 (0.0), 2 (0.5), 3 (1.0)<br><br>DS2: 1 (0.0), 2 (0.25), 3 (0.5), 4 (0.75), 5 (1.0)<br><br>where in n (t), n is the time step number and t is the corresponding time value. Both datasets finish at the same time instant (t = 1.0) but the "time resolution" was clearly different. In this (easy) case, how does ParaView create the movie? Does it interpolate the missing frames for the dataset 1?<br>
<br>Thanks for any clarification<br><br>-- <br>Renato N. Elias<br>===================================<br>High Performance Computing Center (NACAD)<br>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)<br>Rio de Janeiro, Brazil<br>