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Dear Berk<BR>
well, basically we don't have a very clear idea of how paraview deals with "parallel rendering".<BR>we could "ssh -X" to any of these machines and run "xclock" and the X windows does appear <BR>at the machine we are from.<BR><BR>on the other hand, while trying to start a "parallel pvserver", everything works fine until when <BR>a client (paraview) connects to the "parallel pvserver", and we get a window alerting us about <BR>"parallel rendering disabled"..<BR><BR>by following the thread in paraview mailing list, we got to know that to enable "parallel rendering",<BR>each of the machine running the "parallel pvserver" should be able to generate a "window" to <BR>do the rendering work. now in order to do that, we are suppose to have xdm ran on startup.<BR><BR>that's where our question is, (because we are not very good at linux) how do we "startup" the xdm?<BR>we do have a login screen in each of the machine.<BR><BR>tried setting the "usr/bin/env DISPLAY=localhost:0" while starting the "parallel pvserver", but still <BR>the window alert of "parallel rendering disabled" persist. (i guess it's because the "node 0" still can't <BR>open the window in each process's node.)<BR><BR>any diagnostic test for us to try out?<BR><BR>thanks<BR> <BR>> Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 09:45:39 -0400<BR>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] How to set up X connection<BR>> From: berk.geveci@kitware.com<BR>> To: lcp81um@msn.com<BR>> CC: paraview@paraview.org; kitware@kitware.com<BR>> <BR>> HI Jess,<BR>> <BR>> So X is not running on these machines at all?<BR>> <BR>> -berk<BR>> <BR>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 5:34 AM, chew ping<lcp81um@msn.com> wrote:<BR>> > Hi all,<BR>> ><BR>> > i'm am doing parallel rendering using 4 machines, all these machines are<BR>> > identical to each other (architecture, OS, processor...)<BR>> > All of them have graphics hardware (rendering hardware). i came across from<BR>> > other resources saying that i have to set up xdm on each machine. Any idea<BR>> > on how to do that? thanks in advanced!<BR>> ><BR>> > regards,<BR>> > Jess<BR>> ><BR>> > _______________________________________________<BR>> > Powered by www.kitware.com<BR>> ><BR>> > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at<BR>> > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html<BR>> ><BR>> > Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:<BR>> > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView<BR>> ><BR>> > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<BR>> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview<BR>> ><BR>> ><BR></body>