Hi,<br><br>The progress bar shows an "Abort" icon at its left. this icon is enabled during AVI export of an animation. I wonder how I can enable during a filter execution (ie. aborting a RequestData function).<br>
- I added an observer in my vtk filter that listen to vtkCommand::AbortCheckEvent. <br>- The associated callback function simply calls AbortExecuteOn( ) ((as it derives from vtkAlgorithm). <br>- My RequestData function implements a test of AbortExecute value<br>
<br>Now, I just want to send the AbortEvent when I click on "Abort" in paraview !<br><br>Thanks for your help !<br><br>Kind regards,<br>Jerome<br><br>ps: I voted for this suggestion on user voice, but maybe the feature already exists?<br>
<a href="http://paraview.uservoice.com/pages/11350-general/suggestions/295344-abort-filters-and-rendering-without-having-to-quit-paraview-bug-3925-">http://paraview.uservoice.com/pages/11350-general/suggestions/295344-abort-filters-and-rendering-without-having-to-quit-paraview-bug-3925-</a><br>