Hi all,<br><br>am trying to utilize some desktops in our lab (say "lab A") to visualize some virtual heart.<br>on top of that, there are also some unused desktop from other lab ("lab B") which i plan to add in as the server.<br>
below are my "hostfile" used during mpirun.<br><br> slots=4 max-slots=4<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br> slots=2 max-slots=2<br><br>as we can see, the 192.168... series are from lab A and the 202.185.. series are from lab B.<br>the experiment started off fine as i'm also using a desktop from lab A (192.168.. series) to connect to the server.<br>
when we reach np 11, the paraview (pvclient) fails to response when we try to establish a connection with the server.<br><br>are we missing out anything here?<br><br>appreciate all your response and answer in advance <br>