Folks,<br><br>I'm trying to integrate hydrodynamic forces on an immersed body. Point velocity and pressure fields come from a FEM solver. Ok, for this purpose, I'll need:<br><br>a). The body's surface<br>b). Stress tensor (computed as cell data)<br>
c). Body cell normals<br clear="all"><br>Here goes the pipeline I'm trying to use:<br><br>1. Load the volume data<br>2. Clean to grid (to remove parallel interfaces among mesh partitions)<br>3. Compute Derivatives (output tensor type = strain)<br>
4. Extract Surface<br>5. Generate Surface Normals<br>6. Point Data to Cell data (to convert point pressure in cell pressure)<br>7. Clip (to get only the body where I'd like to compute the forces)<br>8. from 7: Calculator (sigxx = -pressure+2*mu*Strain_0)<br>
<br>repeate step 8 for other components<br><br>Questions are:<br><br>-- Does it make sense? I'm asking it because I have some doubts about the output of some of the filters I'm using (mainly steps 3 and 5)<br><br>
-- Is there a more straightforward way to do the same thing?<br><br>Thanks for any help<br><br>-- <br>Renato N. Elias<br>===================================<br>High Performance Computing Center (NACAD)<br>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)<br>
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil<br><br>Sent from Rio De Janeiro, RJ, Brazil