Hi,<br><br>ParaView-CVS brought a good surprise for me a few days ago. The plugin loader has been rewrote and is now offering an auto-load option that is very useful.<br>However, I have an XML description of a lot of VTK native filters that cannot be opened automatically. I have to "Load new" each time. Then, no problem, the filters are exposed in the menu. But the plugin loader gives a warning message (see screenshot attached) and no "Version" (effectively, the XML doesn't have a "version=" element)...<br>
<br>Second, I have an AutoStartPlugin that shows exactly the same problem (PVCustomizer). The reason, I think, is that this plugin depends on VTK filters (SplineFilter) that is described in the previous XML...<br><br>Can someone tell me how to make the XML plugin 'autoloadeable' ? I wonder if it will solve the second problem...<br>
<br>Thanks a lot!<br><br>Jerome<br>