<TITLE>Re: [Paraview] Paraview 3.6.1 and netCDF 4</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Uhhhhh... It’s probably not that straightforward. The netCDF distribution is embedded in the VTK repository and has a bunch of name mangling. The easiest way to do it would probably be to hack the CMakeLists.txt file in ParaView3/VTK/IO to use the headers and libraries in your distribution.<BR>
If you find that this is a problem, I recommend submitting a bug report to update the version of netCDF.<BR>
On 11/12/09 4:19 PM, "Matthew Dillon" <<a href="mrdillon@alaska.edu">mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Ken,<BR>
Would it be possible to rectify that (for myself) if I compiled Paraview using my installed netCDF libraries?<BR>
On Nov 12, 2009, at 2:04 PM, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>It might be that ParaView is compiled with a version of netCDF that is too low. netCDF is generally not forward compatible.<BR>
On 11/12/09 4:01 PM, "Matthew Dillon" <<a href="mrdillon@alaska.edu">mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> > wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Ken,<BR>
Thats great, I really appreciate it. I guess I missed this file in the paraview dataset. I was not able to get this particular file to load, however, some of the other examples in that directory work quite well - thanks for the resource. The reader was automatically detected, so, I guess there is something wrong with the structure of the files I am creating. This is perfect though, I had no clue if the problem was me, the paraview binary, or a little bit of both. Now things have been whittled down a bit. Thanks, have a great day.<BR>
Matthew Dillon<BR>
On Nov 12, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>There is an example netCDF file that comes with the VTK test data. It is identical to the one from here:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><a href="http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/tos_O1_2001-2002.nc">http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/tos_O1_2001-2002.nc</a><BR>
</SPAN></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>
On retrospect, I’m not sure that the netCDF that comes with ParaView is version 4. We may need to update it.<BR>
On 11/12/09 3:36 PM, "Matthew Dillon" <<a href="mrdillon@alaska.edu">mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> > > wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Ken,<BR>
Thanks for the reply. I have tested with both *.nc and *.ncdf, with no luck on the netCDF reader showing up on the list. I generated the netCDF file using the netcdf4-python (<a href="http://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/">http://code.google.com/p/netcdf4-python/</a>) interface, using the NETCDF4 and NETCDF3-CLASSIC filetypes. Both types show coherent output when using the netCDF viewer "ncdump." I checked the Paraview Dataset file to see if there were any netCDF files, and did not come across any. I did however see there were *.h5 (hdf5) files. The documentation states that these should have a viewer as well, but when I opened one of these files, I was presented with the same reader list as before, with no mention to an hdf5 reader.<BR>
On Nov 12, 2009, at 1:22 PM, Moreland, Kenneth wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>ParaView first uses extensions to determine file type. Files with extension .nc or .ncdf are assumed to be netCDF files. If you are using another extension it should still work so long as the extension does not conflict with any other extension used. If no file extension matches you should get a dialog box asking you what type of reader to use. If the file is detected as a valid netCDF file, it should show up in that list.<BR>
On 11/12/09 1:56 PM, "Matthew Dillon" <<a href="mrdillon@alaska.edu">mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//46/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//43/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> > <x-msg:<a href="//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a> <x-msg:<a href="//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu">//36/mrdillon@alaska.edu</a>> > > > wrote:<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hi all, I have a question. I have been using VTK for some time now, <BR>
and have recently been focusing my efforts on Paraview. I am running <BR>
into a problem though. I am trying to import netCDF volume data. I am <BR>
able to import the file using the raw binary filter, which works quite <BR>
well, however, when I try to import a netCDF file with compressed <BR>
variables, this approach does not work. Glancing through the <BR>
documentation, it appears that the is a netCDF reader built in, <BR>
however it doesn't look like my file is being associated with the <BR>
netCDF reader when opening. A little about my setup: Mac OS X 10.6.1, <BR>
Paraview 3.6.1 binary, netCDF 4.0.1. Any help on this would be really <BR>
appreciated. Thanks!<BR>
Matthew Dillon<BR>
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**** Kenneth Moreland<BR>
*** Sandia National Laboratories<BR>
*********** <BR>
*** *** *** email: <a href="kmorel@sandia.gov">kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/kmorel@sandia.gov">//46/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//43/kmorel@sandia.gov">//43/kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//43/kmorel@sandia.gov">//43/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> > <x-msg:<a href="//36/kmorel@sandia.gov">//36/kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//36/kmorel@sandia.gov">//36/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//36/kmorel@sandia.gov">//36/kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//36/kmorel@sandia.gov">//36/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> > > <BR>
** *** ** phone: (505) 844-8919<BR>
*** web: <a href="http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel">http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel</a><BR>
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</SPAN></FONT></BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>
</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Consolas, Courier New, Courier"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'><BR>
**** Kenneth Moreland<BR>
*** Sandia National Laboratories<BR>
*********** <BR>
*** *** *** email: <a href="kmorel@sandia.gov">kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/kmorel@sandia.gov">//46/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> <x-msg:<a href="//43/kmorel@sandia.gov">//43/kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//43/kmorel@sandia.gov">//43/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> > <BR>
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</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Consolas, Courier New, Courier"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'><BR>
**** Kenneth Moreland<BR>
*** Sandia National Laboratories<BR>
*********** <BR>
*** *** *** email: <a href="kmorel@sandia.gov">kmorel@sandia.gov</a> <x-msg:<a href="//46/kmorel@sandia.gov">//46/kmorel@sandia.gov</a>> <BR>
** *** ** phone: (505) 844-8919<BR>
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</SPAN></FONT><FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Consolas, Courier New, Courier"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10pt'><BR>
**** Kenneth Moreland<BR>
*** Sandia National Laboratories<BR>
*********** <BR>
*** *** *** email: <a href="kmorel@sandia.gov">kmorel@sandia.gov</a><BR>
** *** ** phone: (505) 844-8919<BR>
*** web: <a href="http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel">http://www.cs.unm.edu/~kmorel</a><BR>
</SPAN></FONT></FONT><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'><BR>