Hello!<br>I'm new to ParaView and Python and have the following question:<br><br>How can I "apply" the Clip Filter using Python?<br>I'm using ParaView 3.6.1 on Windows XP with the "Python Shell" from the Tools Menu.<br>
<br>My Python Script:<br>---------------------------<br>clip01=Clip()<br>clip01.InsideOut=1<br>clip01.ClipType = "Box"<br>clip01.ClipType.Scale=[0.5,0.5,0.5]<br>Show(clip01)<br><br>surface=ExtractSurface()<br>Show(surface)<br>
<br>Render()<br>---------------------------<br><br>I haven't found the possibilty to "apply" the Clip Filter via Python...I always have to press manually the "Apply" Button in the Object Inspector.<br>
<br>I've also tried:<br><br>>>> view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()<br>>>> rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(shrinkFilter, view)<br>>>> view.StillRender()<br><br>out of the "Servermanger.pdf", but this creates a new window, which I don't want.<br>
And also<br><br>>>> clip01.UpdatePipeline()<br><br>doesn't work.<br><br>There was a nearly similar question on this mailinglist, but it doesn't help me, I'm sorry:<br><br><a href="http://markmail.org/thread/54kjzlk4i5d6sprh">http://markmail.org/thread/54kjzlk4i5d6sprh</a><br>
<br>Thank you for your work on ParaView! :-)<br><br>Dominic Jennewein<br><br>