.hmmessage P
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Hi!<br>I´ve recently compiled the filters I wrote for ParaView 3.4.0 to the new release ParaView 3.6.1. Filters with just one dataset as input work fine, but trying the ones with multiple input, I get the following error:<br><br>ERROR: In /home/happenhofer/svn/paraview/branches/ParaView3/VTK/Filtering/vtkExecutive.cxx, line 757<br>vtkCompositeDataPipeline (0x39b73c0): Algorithm vtkGroupToVectorFilter(0x3670e40) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0x365fdb0)<br> Debug: Off<br> Modified Time: 229282<br> Reference Count: 1<br> Registered Events: (none)<br> Request: REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT<br> ALGORITHM_AFTER_FORWARD: 1<br> FORWARD_DIRECTION: 0<br> FROM_OUTPUT_PORT: 0<br><br><br><br><br>ERROR: In /home/happenhofer/svn/paraview/branches/ParaView3/Servers/Common/vtkPVDataInformation.cxx, line 586<br>vtkPVDataInformation (0x39aeeb0): Could not cast object to a known data set: vtkAlgorithmOutput<br><br><br>Does anyone have an idea what´s the problem here?<br><br>Thx a lot,<br>Natalie<br><br> <br /><hr />¡Revisa de un vistazo si tienes correos nuevos! <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/latam/windows/windowslive/default.aspx' target='_new'>Ingresa a tu Hotmail desde tu Messenger. ¡Pruébalo ahora!</a></body>