<br>I'm trying to use python scripting to use the calculator. I can't get the function and the results to display in the GUI.<br><br>I first used the trace capabilities to generate a function and was able to successfully generate my results on the GUI but when i shut down and restarted and run the scripts just generated from the trace it doesn't display the function in the<br>
Object inspector.<br><br><br>Here's a sample python script that i'm using.<br><br>Calculator1 = Calculator()<br>Calculator1.AttributeMode = 'point_data'<br><br># i'd like to display this function in the GUI<br>
Calculator1.Function = 'Hdemag_Z*2'<br><br><br>Calculator1.ScalarVariable = ['Hdemag_X', 'Hdemag', '0', 'Hdemag_Y', 'Hdemag', '1', 'Hdemag_Z', 'Hdemag', '2', 'M_X', 'M', '0', 'M_Y', 'M', '1', 'M_Z', 'M', '2']<br>
Calculator1.CoordinateScalarVariable = ['coordsX', '0', 'coordsY', '1', 'coordsZ', '2']<br>Calculator1.CoordinateVectorVariable = ['coords', '0', '1', '2']<br>
Calculator1.VectorVariable = ['Hdemag', 'Hdemag', '0', '1', '2', 'M', 'M', '0', '1', '2']<br>Calculator1.ResultArrayName = 'Heffective'<br>
DataRepresentation5 = Show()<br>DataRepresentation4.Visibility = 1<br><br><br>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>