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I am on a Mac Leopard and this occurs both with the pad and an external bluetooth mouse.<br>But thx for the tip: with the tab key I am able to do exactly what I wanted!<br><br>> Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2010 09:42:22 -0500<br>> Subject: Re: [Paraview] Color scale editor<br>> From: utkarsh.ayachit@kitware.com<br>> To: stan1313@hotmail.fr<br>> CC: paraview@paraview.org<br>> <br>> What platform is this on? On my linux box the value seems to be<br>> updated quite reliably. You may want to use "tab" to make the line<br>> edit loose focus so that it accepts the value.<br>> <br>> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Fred Fred <stan1313@hotmail.fr> wrote:<br>> > Hello,<br>> > I tried to add 3 points to the blue-to-red colormap:<br>> > - 1 point at value -0.001 with default color (ie I keep the color from the<br>> > blue-to-red ramp)<br>> > - 1 point at value 0.001 with default color<br>> > - 1 point at value 0 with black color<br>> > in order to clearly identify zone for which the value is exactly 0.<br>> > But the editor behaviour is annoying: I put a value in the line edit widget,<br>> > click close, and when I come back to the editor the value has not been<br>> > changed.<br>> > Dragging the circle with the mouse is not more reliable: it seems that the<br>> > editor prevents from having the circle going too close from each other.<br>> > So:<br>> > - a suggestion: a "set" button would be useful to take into account a<br>> > change in the coordinates of a point without having to close the editor and<br>> > go back to it next<br>> > - a question: how to cope with this annoying behaviour of the editor?<br>> ><br>> ><br>> > ________________________________<br>> > Vous cherchez l'intégrale des clips de Michael Jackson ? Bing ! Trouvez !<br>> > _______________________________________________<br>> > Powered by www.kitware.com<br>> ><br>> > Visit other Kitware open-source projects at<br>> > http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html<br>> ><br>> > Please keep messages on-topic and check the ParaView Wiki at:<br>> > http://paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView<br>> ><br>> > Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<br>> > http://www.paraview.org/mailman/listinfo/paraview<br>> ><br>> ><br> <br /><hr />Avec Internet Explorer, surfez en toute discrétion sur internet <a href='http://clk.atdmt.com/FRM/go/182932252/direct/01/' target='_new'>Cliquez ici !</a></body>