Hi,<br><br>I am attempting to use the Clone2 CustomApplication example to write a custom application in C++. The wiki documentation on Custom Applications suggest using pqViewManager to control the view of the application. <br>
<br>I want to split the frame into four different windows, each with its own view. I am assuming the program starts with one frame and one view. Is this assumption correct? <br><br>I reference the pqViewManager with the following code:<br>
this->Internals->MultiViewManager<br><br>the active view (I'm guessing the only view at this point is):<br> pqView* view = this->Internals->MultiViewManager->getActiveView();<br><br>This problem is there are no public methods to split the frame in pqViewManager. It is possible to get the pqMultiViewFrame:<br>
pqMultiViewFrame * multiViewFrame = this->Internals->MultiViewManager->getFrame(view);<br><br>I've tested this by:<br> multiViewFrame->setTitle("HELLO WORLD!");<br><br>and it works, but I've tried multiple tries to get the frame to split without success. Any insight will help.<br>