.hmmessage P
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<br>I am writing a vtu file to represent data for a simple dataset in
Paraview and I have run into a problem. What I would like to do is to
be able to represent a variation in a field value over the length of a
cell and look at this variation as a single layer in Paraview (not
separately as the sets of end values for end 1 and end 2,
respectively). More simply, each cell is assigned a field value at each
end point and I want to be able to visualize this variation in end
values for each cell for all of the cells in my (small) model.
<br>As the simplest example of my problem, let's say I have 3 points and 2
cells between the points. Cell 1 has point 1 at its left end and point
2 at its right end and cell 2 has point 2 at its left end and point 3 at
its left end (in my field this might represent a beam finite element).
<br>Cell 1: 1=>2 (finite element 1)
<br>Cell 2: 2=>3 (finite element 2)
<br>I've figured out how to represent the field data at the points
(physically these would be displacements, rotations, etc.). However, I
need to figure out what syntax to use to represent the variation in a
physical quantity over the length of the cell. Let's say the y-force
for element 1 has values of 100 at point 1 and -500 at point 2, and that
y-force for element 2 has values of +500 at point 2 and -200 at point 3.
<br>Locally this variation in y-force is:
<br>Cell 1: 100=>-500
<br>Cell 2: +500=>-200
<br>Summing the effect of the y-force at each point:
<br>Point 1: 100
<br>Point 2: -500+500 = 0
<br>Point 3: -200
<br>I have tried the following syntax:
<br><CellData Scalars="scalars">
<br><DataArray type="Float32" Name="y-force-el" NumberOfComponents="2">
<br>100 -500
<br>500 -200
<br>However, when I used the above syntax I found that in Paraview I can
only view the x-points (100 and 500), the y-points (-500 and -200) or
the vector magnitudes for each cell (509.9 and 538.5) at one time.
<br>Does anyone know what syntax I need?
<br>(Once I figure out the syntax, I'll be all set to modify the code I
wrote to read in my data and output it to vtu format).
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