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I am not sure which EnSight format you are using. I have attached an
EnSight case-file that is typical for me and functions with only a
small set of files, but with a large number of time steps. In this
format, each cell/point variable has its own file; each file contains
the data at all time steps. I have used this EnSight binary format for
at least 500 time steps.<br>
Another aspect of the EnSight reader in ParaView allows you to load
("open the files") for only those cell and/or point datum arrays that
you wish to view -- see the check marks just below the green "Apply"
button. Only the data with a check-mark is read; one may turn-off the
checks by clicking on them.<br>
Hope this helps,<br>
Sam Key <br>
Carolyn Stancoff wrote:
<div>I have data for 630 time steps in EnSight format. When I try to
play the data I get that there are too many open files (nothing after
time step 509 is displayed). Is there something I can change in
Windows or ParaView to allow more open files? Since I currently have
each time step data in its own file, can I write all the data to a
single file? Or do the files need to stay open after they have been
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