That's it !<br><br>And what you purpose should work well, but I would like to do a simple plugin, that doesn't need to compile Paraview, and could work with the paraview executables. <br><br>My xml file looks like this : <br>
<div style="margin-left: 40px;"><ServerManagerConfiguration><br> <ProxyGroup name="sources"><br><br> <!-- server manager xml for a python script that read a v3d file.<br> the auto generated panel for this exposes everything more than we want so<br>
a custom panel would be good --><br> <SourceProxy name="ReaderV3D" class="vtkPythonProgrammableFilter"<br> label="ReaderV3D"><br> <Documentation<br>
long_help=""<br> short_help=""><br> </Documentation><br> <br> <!-- data set type --><br> <IntVectorProperty <br> name="OutputDataSetType" <br>
command="SetOutputDataSetType" <br> number_of_elements="1"<br> default_values="13"><br> <!-- value of 13 means MultiBlockDataSet -- Thanks Utkarsh !--><br>
</IntVectorProperty><br> <br> <!-- the script --><br> <StringVectorProperty <br> name="Script" <br> command="SetScript"<br> number_of_elements="1"<br>
default_values="import pyturbo; &#xa;pdo = self.GetOutput();&#xa;exec 'Simu = pyturbo.%s'%(NomSimulation)&#xa;data = pyturbo.MultiBlocFromV3D(Simu, [DebutNomMai, FinNomMai], [DebutNomAero, FinNomAero], NumerosBlocs);&#xa;&#xa;pdo.DeepCopy(data);&#xa;"><br>
</StringVectorProperty><br><br> <!-- python script references a variable "NomSimulation" <br> we expose this as a property allowing the user to set it --><br> <StringVectorProperty<br>
name="NomSimulation"<br> command="SetParameter"<br> number_of_elements="2"<br> default_values_delimiter=";"<br> default_values="NomSimulation;'s'"><br>
</StringVectorProperty><br><br>................ etc.<br></div><br>There isn't a simple xml command that's looks like StringVectorProperty/SetParameter, but returning a character, isn't it ?<br>