Hi everyone,<br><br>I am a new user of Paraview and I'm quite interested in using Python script for Paraview<br><br>My goal is to import VTK series files, apply a contour to all of them and finally export the contours in VRML format. This is my first script :<br>
<br>#--------------------------------------------------<br>from paraview.simple import *<br><br>reader = servermanager.sources.LegacyVTKReader()<br>reader.FileNames = [ "/.../1.vtk" , "/.../2.vtk" ]<br>
reader.UpdatePipeline()<br><br>SetActiveSource(reader)<br><br>aContour = Contour(Input = reader)<br>aContour.ContourBy = "alpha1"<br>aContour.Isosurfaces = [0.5]<br><br>Show(aContour)<br>Render()<br><br>#from this point it doesn't work<br>
exporters = servermanager.createModule("exporters")<br>VRMLExporter = servermanager.exporters.VRMLExporter( ? , FileName= "/.../output_1.vrml ")<br>#--------------------------------------------------<br>
<br>Can anyone help me, I'm totally lost with the export part ? (but if you see others problems please tell me!)<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Yann<br>