<p style="margin:0;padding:0;" align="left"><br /></p><p style="margin:0;padding:0;" align="left"><br /></p><p style="margin:0;padding:0;" align="left">Hello, <br /><br />I have written a vtu file with a concave polygon (see the image" concave.png" enclosed). I am surprised because the rendering in ParaView is inappropriate (the mode is "Surface").I tried the same thing with a vtp file and it was the same result. Moreover, when I try to visualize a vrml file which contains concave polygons (see the image "building.png" enclosed), I have the same problem. In a vrml viewer, the concave polygons are well rendered. Am I wrong or ParaView only treats the convex polygons ? Should I triangulate my files ? (I don't want to triangulate because people can believe that there was a physic simulation). <br /><br />Thank you for your answers. <br /><br />Paul Barrère (trainee at Cerma laboratory, France)<br /></p><BR><BR><a target=_blank href=https://compte.laposte.net/inscription/index.do?jeux=201001FOOTER><img style="margin: 0pt;" src="http://webmail.laposte.net/webmail/fr_FR/panels/images/laposte-pieddemail-conqueteOK.jpg" alt="Pieddemail"><a>