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I'm quite new to<font size="+1"> Paraview and have an urgent
problem. I employed the help that was/is available to me -
meaning <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://paraview.org/OnlineHelpCurrent/">http://paraview.org/OnlineHelpCurrent/</a> - but couldn't
solve the problem until now.</font></big><font size="+1">
Actually, I don't consider my problem to be really complicated, it
might well be that the solution is one mouse-click away.<br>
</font><font size="+1"><br>
--> a dataset (</font><font size="+1">CSV-file) of a three
dimensional tomography</font><font size="+1"> was imported into
--> 'table to points'-filter was performed, using the x-,y-
and z-values (latter are negative) of my dataset (first three
--> 'colour by...': the fourth data column with the
resistivity values was chosen<br>
-|-> finally I wanted the colors to be interpolated between the
PROBLEM: I can't perform the color interpolation.<br>
In the wiki there's a small picture showing the color section with
the option 'color by...'. Above this dropdown-list you can see
'interpolate colors"<br>
being activated.<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://paraview.org/OnlineHelpCurrent/Display.html">http://paraview.org/OnlineHelpCurrent/Display.html</a><br>
In my case, there is no such thing, instead the option ist named
'interpolate scalars'. In addition to that, in my display there's
a second (smaller and empty) dropdown-list next to 'color by...'
and an option called 'apply texture: none' (grey).<br>
Many thanks in advance if you can help me! (unfortunately I can
only answer tomorrow and then not until next monday, 26th July)<br>
Sven Boese<br>
University of Bayreuth<br>
Department of Geology<br>