Hello,<div><br></div><div>I am trying to implement a simple ParaView reader plugin: vtkLFMReader. We already have a proprietary I/O class that handles our data format: LFMReader. I would like vtkLFMReader::RequestInformation and vtkLFMReader::RequestData to call the appropriate LFMReader methods to import my data to ParaView as a vtkStructuredGrid. However, vtkWrapClientServer complains "*** SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file" error while parsing "LFMReader.h". I tried wrapping all of the LFMReader.h with //BTX //ETX and I tried wrapping the code in vtkLFMReader.cxx that includes this header:</div>
<div><br></div><div>//BTX</div><div>#include "LFMReader.h"</div><div>//ETX</div><div><br></div><div>However, I still get the "SYNTAX ERROR found in parsing the header file". Is it possible to have a ParaView Reader plugin instantiate a proprietary class to do the actual I/O? Are there examples of this in the ParaView release (I couldn't find anything in VTK/IO/* or Examples/Plugins/* that seemed applicable). </div>
<div><br></div><div>Here's my CMakeLists.txt:</div><div><br><div><div><div>INCLUDE(${PARAVIEW_USE_FILE})</div><div>ADD_PARAVIEW_PLUGIN(vtkLFMReader "1.0"</div><div> SERVER_MANAGER_XML vtkLFMReader.xml</div>
<div> SERVER_MANAGER_SOURCES vtkLFMReader.cxx LFMReader.cxx</div><div> GUI_RESOURCE_FILES vtkLFMGUI.xml)</div><div><br></div></div></div></div><div>Thanks,</div><div>Pete</div>