Hi Mike,<div><br></div><div>There is now an advanced option PARAVIEW_FIXUP_BUNDLE_SEARCH_PATHS that you can append directories for fixup bundle to search.<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Michael Jackson <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:mike.jackson@bluequartz.net">mike.jackson@bluequartz.net</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex;">#2 I think would add the most flexibility as I have other libraries that I also need to get included in the install.<br>
#1- You are right of course. In my case (on windows) the location really isn't a "system" library but I could see where on Linux and OS X it could go VERY wrong by including those libraries. So #2 would just be dandy.<br>
<div class="im">___________________________________________________________<br>
Mike Jackson <a href="http://www.bluequartz.net" target="_blank">www.bluequartz.net</a><br>
</div><div><div></div><div class="h5">On Dec 30, 2010, at 3:03 PM, Dave Partyka wrote:<br>
> This isn't supported. Especially because USE_SYSTEM_ most likely means your library is in /usr/lib on other platforms. Granted the same argument could be made against the 4 libraries you listed. ;-)<br>
> What you could do is<br>
> 1. add custom install rules via PARAVIEW_EXTRA_INSTALL_RULES_FILE ( I just remembered you had a previous request to allow this to have multiple files.)<br>
> 2. I could provide a cache variable for you to set that gets appended to DIRS.<br>
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Michael Jackson <<a href="mailto:mike.jackson@bluequartz.net">mike.jackson@bluequartz.net</a>> wrote:<br>
> I am using a "system installed" hdf5 for my builds of ParaView. The issue is when I go to run the "INSTALL" rule in Visual Studio I get failures because the HDF5 DLL file can not be found. This is because of the following code::<br>
> get_filename_component(FFMPEG_DIR "${FFMPEG_avcodec_LIBRARY}" PATH)<br>
> get_filename_component(PYTHON_BIN_DIR "${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE}" PATH)<br>
> get_filename_component(PYTHON_LIB_DIR "${PYTHON_LIBRARY}" PATH)<br>
> get_filename_component(MPI_LIB_DIR "${MPI_LIBRARY}" PATH)<br>
> get_filename_component(MPI_BIN_DIR "${MPIEXEC}" PATH)<br>
> set(_extension)<br>
> set(_dir "${PV_INSTALL_LIB_DIR}")<br>
> IF(WIN32)<br>
> set(_extension ".exe")<br>
> set(_dir "bin")<br>
> ENDIF(WIN32)<br>
> set(APPS "\${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${_dir}/paraview${_extension}") # paths to executables<br>
> include(\"${ParaView_CMAKE_DIR}/BundleUtilities.cmake\")<br>
> fixup_bundle(\"${APPS}\" \"\" \"${DIRS}\")<br>
> " COMPONENT BrandedRuntime)<br>
> The issue is the "DIRS" variable which makes no attempt to add any of the extra directories that might be needed in case a "*_USE_SYSTEM_*" variable is set. I can hack in a rule for HDF5 but a much cleaner approach would be to track which "_USE_SYSTEM_*" variables are set and loop over those to setup the correct directories. Or did I just completely miss something?<br>
> ___________________________________________________________<br>
> Mike Jackson <a href="http://www.bluequartz.net" target="_blank">www.bluequartz.net</a><br>
> Principal Software Engineer <a href="mailto:mike.jackson@bluequartz.net">mike.jackson@bluequartz.net</a><br>
> BlueQuartz Software Dayton, Ohio<br>
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