Hi All,<br><br><a href="ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/1.png">ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/1.png</a><br><a href="ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/2.png">ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/2.png</a><br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/3.png">ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/3.png</a><br><br>the above are screen shot from older version of *.nc files that I have that I loaded up with
Paraview 3.10.0 64-bit which I compiled myself. As you can see, the grid
is correctly loaded. But in the data, there is a crack. Is there a filter that can fix this in ParaView? :)<br><br><a href="ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/4.png">ftp://ftp.gfdl.noaa.gov/pub/sms/4ParaView/4.png</a> is the latest nc file that I have of similar simulation preprocessed output. When I loaded it up, it is
clearly doing making assumption on the grid that is not correct and
hence, the double looking grid. <br><br>The questions now are:<br>
1. ParaView has lots of *.nc file loader. How do I know which loader is
ParaView using to load the data? If I pick a type for the Files of type
option in the open File window, will that gurantees that ParaView will
be using that particular file loader?<br>
2. If I know which loader is used, I would like to see if I can modify
the existing loader to create a new type of *.nc file loader to fix the grid of my data. Where is the code in the source
tree of ParaView is the loader plugin placed? <br>
<br>or if there is an easier solution to fix my grid problem that doesn't
involve developing a new data loader plugin that would be better.... :) please let me know...<br><br>thanks<br>-simon<br><br>