Hi all,<br><br>I have been trying to create a custom application using paraview 3.8.1 on CentOS 5.4 which I hope will be compatible with Red Hat 5.4 too.<br><br>I have built static libraries of Paraview with Qt version 4.6.2 which was again statically built.<br>
Every thing got built properly and my custom app is also getting built.<br><br>But when I run my application (named APP), I get the following error :<br><br>*** glibc detected *** ./APP: free(): invalid pointer: 0x0000003d1f4efe00 ***<br>
======= Backtrace: =========<br>/lib64/libc.so.6[0x3d0d47230f]<br>/lib64/libc.so.6(cfree+0x4b)[0x3d0d47276b]<br>./APP[0x1e0f16e]<br>./APP[0x1e0f29f]<br>./APP(_ZN15vtkPVXMLElement16AddCharacterDataEPKci+0x2e)[0x2534694]<br>
./APP(_ZN19pqCODESSInitializer10InitializeEiPPc+0x50)[0x1233608]<br>./APP(main+0x20c)[0x1233284]<br>/lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4)[0x3d0d41d994]<br>./APP(tan+0xac1)[0x1232fc9] <br><br>And after this is the memory map<br>
<br>The same problem happens when I try to run the paraview binary from the built binaries in the build folder.<br><br>I tried googling but seems like no one has encountered this problem before. I haven't faced any such problem yet while using ubuntu 10.10.<br>
<br>Any suggestion as to the cause and solution will be most helpful.<br><br><br>Thanks and regards,<br><br>Shailender Kanwar<br><br><br>