Hi,<br>I am writing a new vtk source and I need to programmatically
populate a drop down list in the object-inspector/Properties from
RequestInformation(). Are there any examples/code snippets that I could
look at to help me do this?<br>
I defined the static drop down list this way so far,<br><code><br>-<IntVectorProperty name="Studies" default_values="1" number_of_elements="1" command="SetStudyList"><br>
-<EnumerationDomain name="enum"><br> <Entry text="Study 1" value="6"/><br> <Entry text="Study 2" value="7"/><br> <Entry text="Study 3" value="12"/> <br>
</EnumerationDomain> <br> <Documentation> <br> This property indicates which transform mode will be used.<br> </Documentation><br> </IntVectorProperty><br><code><br><br>Thanks,<br>Janaki Duggirala