Hi, all<br>I have built a Toolbar plugin in paraview with a button that applies extractblock filter to a multiblock dataset<br>so as to get all the blocks seperately in different objects in the pipeline browser.<br><br>I achieve getting the number of blocks from the selected multiblock but I don't know how to set the block indice<br>
of an extract block filter after having it buit.<br><br><b><br>vtkSMProperty* property= [the pqPipelineSource resulting from createFilter]->GetProperty("BlockIndices");<br><br>vtkSMIntVectorProperty * indices= vtkSMIntVectorProperty::SafeDownCast(property);<br>
<br></b>but <b>"indices->GetNumberOfElements();" </b>returns 0 while the compositeTreeWidget displays the blocks' hierarchy.<br><br>how can I modify a vtkSMProperty within the code?<br><br>thanks in advance!<br>