I'm using the Python scripting facility in Paraview to do some batch visualization of some semiconductor models I'm simulating. The Start/Stop Trace feature is great, and I've already put together something quite usable. However, I can't figure out how to reset the camera between different simulations.<br>
<br>The code coming out of the Trace feature looked something like:<br> rv = pv.GetRenderView()<br> rv.CameraFocalPoint = [0.223, -0.0160,-0.334]<br> rv.CameraParallelScale = 1.684<br> rv.CenterOfRotation = [0.223, -0.0160,-0.334]<br>
rv.CameraPosition = [0.223, -0.0160, 4.105]<br> rv.CameraClippingRange = [5.308, 8.033]<br>i.e. they already got the center of the object from some query to the objects already in the database. What would I have to do to get this information myself? I'm having a hard time finding info. I've tried reading the doctext for the Outline and OutlineCorners features, and I've seen a couple refs to a GetBounds command while googling around, but I can't find anything that really helps.<br>
<br>My pipeline looks something like:<br>* Use the ExodusIIReader to create a reader object<br>* Use the aforementioned render view object to control the camera<br>* Create a slice object in the z-direction at a certain height<br>
* Create a data representation and a colormap<br>* Render the object.<br>I can't tell which of the objects I would use for an Outline() or a GetBounds() call. For example, I get the min/max values for the data in the slice via <br>
min,max = slice.PointData[0].GetRange()<br>but using s or s.PointData with Outline() or GetBounds() doesn't get me anywhere. Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Rick<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>
Rick Muller<br><a href="mailto:rpmuller@gmail.com">rpmuller@gmail.com</a><br>505-750-7557<br><br>