<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//DE"><HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=us-ascii"><TITLE>Message</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>Hello<br><br>I have a limited experience in python programming and Im encountering an issue trying to generate a stl file out of a xyz file in Paraview.<br>My plan is to use "TableToPoints" Command then "Delaunay2D" to create a stl file in the python shell. The main issue is that after changing the initial xyz file by putting X,Y,Z for the first line then separating numerical values with commas, I cannot change the X, Y,Z columns in Paraview TableToPoints frame. In other words, I have initially a window with X Column, Y column and Z column all set to X.<br><br><br>What I have written so far is :<br><br>reader = OpenDataFile("/home/projects/stud_temp/Guillaume/AllScripts/ScriptsParaview/testXyz2.csv")<br>
a=TableToPoints(reader)<br><br>After these few script lines I would then write something like : paraview.servermanager.filters.TableToPoints.YColumn = "Y"<br>but I couldnt find anything related to this topic on paraview forums.<br><br>Any help would be really appreciated<br><br>Thank you for your time<br><br>Guillaume <br><br></BODY></HTML>