Hi,<br><br>I try to run the MPI version of Paraview but it's probably don't work.<br><br>First I run pvserver:<br><br><i>login@hostname:~$ mpirun -np 8 pvserver --use-offscreen-rendering<br>Waiting for client<br>Connection URL: cs://localhost:11111</i><br>
<br>Probably this is fine.<br>After I start paraview with<br><br><i>login@hostname:/opt/Paraview/ParaView-3.12.0-RC2_MPI/bin$ ./paraview --server=cs://localhost:11111</i><br><br>This is give no error message but I'm not sure that it's work.<br>
<br>Is somebody know a way to test it ?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Guillaume<br>